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Perform independent component analysis after processing missing values


  n.comp = min(5, ncol(data)),
  center = TRUE,
  scale. = FALSE,
  missingValues = round(0.05 * nrow(data)),
  alg.typ = c("parallel", "defaltion"),
  fun = c("logcosh", "exp"),
  alpha = 1,



an optional data frame (or similar: see model.frame) containing the variables in the formula formula. By default the variables are taken from environment(formula).


number of components to be extracted


a logical value indicating whether the variables should be shifted to be zero centered. Alternately, a vector of length equal the number of columns of x can be supplied. The value is passed to scale.


a logical value indicating whether the variables should be scaled to have unit variance before the analysis takes place. The default is FALSE for consistency with S, but in general scaling is advisable. Alternatively, a vector of length equal the number of columns of x can be supplied. The value is passed to scale.


Integer: number of tolerated missing values per column to be replaced with the mean of the values of that same column


if alg.typ == "parallel" the components are extracted simultaneously (the default). if alg.typ == "deflation" the components are extracted one at a time.


the functional form of the \(G\) function used in the approximation to neg-entropy (see ‘details’).


constant in range [1, 2] used in approximation to neg-entropy when fun == "logcosh"


Arguments passed on to fastICA::fastICA


ICA result in a prcomp object

See also

Other functions to analyse independent components: plotICA()


#> $X
#>                Murder Assault UrbanPop    Rape
#> Alabama         5.412   65.24    -7.54  -0.032
#> Alaska          2.212   92.24   -17.54  23.268
#> Arizona         0.312  123.24    14.46   9.768
#> Arkansas        1.012   19.24   -15.54  -1.732
#> California      1.212  105.24    25.46  19.368
#> Colorado        0.112   33.24    12.46  17.468
#> Connecticut    -4.488  -60.76    11.46 -10.132
#> Delaware       -1.888   67.24     6.46  -5.432
#> Florida         7.612  164.24    14.46  10.668
#> Georgia         9.612   40.24    -5.54   4.568
#> Hawaii         -2.488 -124.76    17.46  -1.032
#> Idaho          -5.188  -50.76   -11.54  -7.032
#> Illinois        2.612   78.24    17.46   2.768
#> Indiana        -0.588  -57.76    -0.54  -0.232
#> Iowa           -5.588 -114.76    -8.54  -9.932
#> Kansas         -1.788  -55.76     0.46  -3.232
#> Kentucky        1.912  -61.76   -13.54  -4.932
#> Louisiana       7.612   78.24     0.46   0.968
#> Maine          -5.688  -87.76   -14.54 -13.432
#> Maryland        3.512  129.24     1.46   6.568
#> Massachusetts  -3.388  -21.76    19.46  -4.932
#> Michigan        4.312   84.24     8.46  13.868
#> Minnesota      -5.088  -98.76     0.46  -6.332
#> Mississippi     8.312   88.24   -21.54  -4.132
#> Missouri        1.212    7.24     4.46   6.968
#> Montana        -1.788  -61.76   -12.54  -4.832
#> Nebraska       -3.488  -68.76    -3.54  -4.732
#> Nevada          4.412   81.24    15.46  24.768
#> New Hampshire  -5.688 -113.76    -9.54 -11.732
#> New Jersey     -0.388  -11.76    23.46  -2.432
#> New Mexico      3.612  114.24     4.46  10.868
#> New York        3.312   83.24    20.46   4.868
#> North Carolina  5.212  166.24   -20.54  -5.132
#> North Dakota   -6.988 -125.76   -21.54 -13.932
#> Ohio           -0.488  -50.76     9.46   0.168
#> Oklahoma       -1.188  -19.76     2.46  -1.232
#> Oregon         -2.888  -11.76     1.46   8.068
#> Pennsylvania   -1.488  -64.76     6.46  -6.332
#> Rhode Island   -4.388    3.24    21.46 -12.932
#> South Carolina  6.612  108.24   -17.54   1.268
#> South Dakota   -3.988  -84.76   -20.54  -8.432
#> Tennessee       5.412   17.24    -6.54   5.668
#> Texas           4.912   30.24    14.46   4.268
#> Utah           -4.588  -50.76    14.46   1.668
#> Vermont        -5.588 -122.76   -33.54 -10.032
#> Virginia        0.712  -14.76    -2.54  -0.532
#> Washington     -3.788  -25.76     7.46   4.968
#> West Virginia  -2.088  -89.76   -26.54 -11.932
#> Wisconsin      -5.188 -117.76     0.46 -10.432
#> Wyoming        -0.988   -9.76    -5.54  -5.632
#> attr(,"scaled:center")
#>        Murder       Assault      UrbanPop          Rape 
#> -2.842171e-16  9.094947e-15 -6.252776e-15  8.526513e-16 
#> $K
#>               [,1]         [,2]        [,3]        [,4]
#> [1,] -0.0005031233  0.003185718 -0.01243588 -0.40479570
#> [2,] -0.0120064074  0.004176394  0.01051799  0.01584251
#> [3,] -0.0005589971 -0.069430563  0.03121730 -0.02366681
#> [4,] -0.0009066803 -0.014266122 -0.15162666  0.02942629
#> $W
#>            [,1]        [,2]        [,3]        [,4]
#> [1,] -0.3272940 -0.94429966 -0.02925497 -0.01791523
#> [2,]  0.2522182 -0.07988422 -0.66871761  0.69485341
#> [3,]  0.4959778 -0.20255298  0.70075675  0.47108204
#> [4,]  0.7637216 -0.24675688 -0.24678106 -0.54308332
#> $A
#>             [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
#> [1,] -0.83164439 27.496932 -1.679598 -1.641239
#> [2,]  3.92134419 77.722168  4.499120  7.331951
#> [3,] -0.07676045  2.141101 10.241290 -2.358271
#> [4,]  1.58637674  2.204880 -8.796661 -4.895097
#> $S
#>                        IC1         IC2         IC3          IC4
#> Alabama        -0.09449110  0.83631141 -0.00732968  1.294389562
#> Alaska          0.40717676  1.17895294 -3.42844353 -1.472300260
#> Arizona         1.81467992  0.97323601  0.21042435 -1.247542710
#> Arkansas        0.51751879  0.06841125 -0.86269229  0.698388250
#> California      0.37335669  1.28203521  0.09011010 -2.204951917
#> Colorado       -0.52095560  0.69068271 -0.84785891 -1.950820618
#> Connecticut     0.39534489 -0.95597259  1.44144313 -0.189028385
#> Delaware        2.26855195  0.03793316  0.94412073 -0.048947617
#> Florida         0.38374628  1.94884283  0.80884355  0.221349760
#> Georgia        -2.26982407  1.27146999  0.01142288  1.726777023
#> Hawaii         -2.28989784 -0.80332272  1.05337559 -0.732120046
#> Idaho           1.12285326 -1.02787566 -0.63867754 -0.171810595
#> Illinois        0.42067854  0.82452406  1.31953235 -0.107225346
#> Indiana        -1.07939230 -0.35600590 -0.12717930 -0.062665585
#> Iowa           -0.07580912 -1.44366582 -0.21560434 -0.004088263
#> Kansas         -0.50939954 -0.53997831  0.15398870 -0.051928527
#> Kentucky       -1.43215202 -0.31158418 -0.38413986  1.206082283
#> Louisiana      -0.71157202  1.19679959  0.69121407  1.500412771
#> Maine           0.87333007 -1.44250298 -0.27814040  0.424552704
#> Maryland        1.38081687  1.17730955 -0.12991985  0.021268558
#> Massachusetts   0.46849075 -0.47242248  1.63193282 -0.643342293
#> Michigan       -0.42258871  1.26091697 -0.34422904 -0.636895460
#> Minnesota      -0.25719862 -1.17099477  0.13848102 -0.440875337
#> Mississippi     0.01538190  1.06549723 -0.33767297  2.597548784
#> Missouri       -0.69882097  0.36257553 -0.27822425 -0.512054042
#> Montana        -0.29457702 -0.68316335 -0.64991598  0.375728830
#> Nebraska       -0.10116024 -0.83951298 -0.15139963 -0.183897991
#> Nevada         -1.27110597  1.57279745 -0.95228726 -1.819042227
#> New Hampshire   0.09870188 -1.50035992 -0.11054592  0.169585797
#> New Jersey     -0.47133303 -0.02892030  1.94609988 -0.326020598
#> New Mexico      0.71420128  1.23930305 -0.36079679 -0.429574662
#> New York        0.13470029  0.99139572  1.39116891 -0.224911490
#> North Carolina  2.76529846  1.11471858 -0.35615731  1.962466327
#> North Dakota    0.60208537 -1.81642144 -0.89982085  0.357080335
#> Ohio           -1.17635193 -0.24490367  0.58890363 -0.290441964
#> Oklahoma       -0.04715184 -0.23761108  0.18455113 -0.177317602
#> Oregon          0.16446492 -0.14129310 -0.99959108 -1.433388290
#> Pennsylvania   -0.75022078 -0.59920918  0.93874765  0.195317552
#> Rhode Island    1.74872549 -0.64333488  2.54826451 -0.135742538
#> South Carolina  0.61350611  1.15009861 -0.73337283  1.611213973
#> South Dakota    0.24519607 -1.15945721 -1.08838647  0.428020446
#> Tennessee      -1.50413977  0.74866363 -0.57460381  0.744599918
#> Texas          -1.39696370  0.84367322  1.09704592  0.331636005
#> Utah           -0.07116232 -0.59954293  0.43862118 -1.426205230
#> Vermont         0.24941394 -1.62570154 -2.06741533  0.526774770
#> Virginia       -0.47254364 -0.02794304 -0.08470155  0.266068117
#> Washington      0.18937013 -0.34849636 -0.32680775 -1.442925300
#> West Virginia  -0.14793289 -1.11190127 -1.00540999  1.306085915
#> Wisconsin      -0.41971477 -1.37991255  0.53639669 -0.053434541
#> Wyoming         0.51886918 -0.32413848  0.07663573  0.454151753